When I've googled Kev in the past, it's proved to be a very common name. Now at least he's on the first page of google returns.
Hmph, according to my grand plan, I should have been at the library 40 minutes ago. Damn those snuggling cats.
[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!
When I've googled Kev in the past, it's proved to be a very common name. Now at least he's on the first page of google returns.
Hmph, according to my grand plan, I should have been at the library 40 minutes ago. Damn those snuggling cats.
The unpacking adventure continues... suddenly, the stuff we own is either 8 inches too wide to fit on the wall away from the rad, or it sticks out 4 inches too far. Bah!
Damn those Rads!!!
You know what I said earlier about Triplets of Belleville? Scratch that. My assignment is much further behind where I'd hoped it would be.
I see that Triplets are playing at the Oxford. I think it'll have to be a renter for us. Where is the time going?
I am either really boring or insane. Tonight, I did laundry in my front loading washing machine. I sat (or rather WE sat) and watched the machine do its thing for quite a while. It was actually quite interesting.
Why do I admit these things here?
Oh, Megan, I told you it was better than television.
That's why you admit things here - because we're sad, sad people too.
My dryer has 5 knobs. I had to read the instructions to figure out what does what and why.
Hey, 5-knobs-Megan, Brian just tried to call you guys and couldn't get through. We're thinking breakfast tomorrow. Get B to call B, will ya?
the phone rang once and stopped. Our call display said "No Data". I'll have him call him shortly.