Brent and I officially own a house now. Today we picked out some paint colours for the basement and the upstairs bedroom. We decided on a red for the bedroom called "Flaming Sword" (which we keep calling Flaming Lips) and a yellow called "Joyous" for the basement. We taped and primed the bedroom and taped up the basement - that took 3.5 hours! We're both tired and cranky and came home to show our apartment to some chick who never showed up. We're going back to put the first coat on the bedroom walls tonight and to fill holes in the basement wall. Such fun! =)
While we were buying paint we started talking to the rep from CIL paints. B. recognized him but wasn't sure where from. Well they figured it out -- they went to high school together! Small world. We gave him our phone number so we can maybe get together. Hopefully he won't come look at our paint job too closely.
Congrats Megan and Brent! I would offer you my spackling services if I ddin't have two papers due this week. I
When's the party?
We only had 4 tiny holes to spackle so it's all good.
Flaming Sword is VERY RED. It should look really nice with stark white sheets.
Party will likely be early May. We're thinking about having a Friends Finale party (or an Angel finale party) but I'm sure we'll have you over way before that.
Congratulations Megan and Brent.
You could get a paw prints stencil and make a little trail along the wall...;)
Woohoo! Congratulations, Megan and Brent!
a red for the bedroom called "Flaming Sword"
That seems strangely biblical for a paint name. Is Mel Gibson working for CIL now?
Congratulations, Megan & Brent! Enjoy the discoveries. The first few weeks of owning a new home are always... intriguing as you get to know both the good surprises (hardwood under ugly brown shag) and the bad (the crazy ham-radio-operating neighbour).