Hmm. I really wanna go to jail too ... maybe I'll do both. In the spirit of compromise. I'll be around for three nights after all, if all goes to spec.
Sure, you're nicer, and care more about those around you, and much less mean, but how does that equate to better? I ask you?
I have to think that I'm better, or else I'm just compulsive.
Pht. Blame it on Megan, and all's good.
We're back to blaming Megan? YAY!
*sigh* I'm getting a complex.
Back? As in we stopped? I should start reading the memoes.
So, as days go, Monday did in fact suck like a singularity, just for reasons having nothing to do with you so don't freak out.
Neurosis make you interesting.
Brent's birthday is next Monday and I took the day off. I predict we will spend the day painting our new rec room.
Is it because you are getting very, very old, Mecha?