And Sesame Street takes over a third thread. Heh.
(Discussions have been going on in The Tim thread about Sesame street, and the Count came up in the regular Angel thread, although it's now shifted to X-Files for the moment).
eta One! One lovely thread!
Two! Two lovely threads!
Three!!! Three lovely thread!!! Ahahahahahaha!!!
Justice Leage of Puppets. All I'm saying. Not saying anymore, mainly on account of the stroke I laughed myself into has affected the motor control I need for typing.
Elena went to bed before the show came on at 11 since she had to work early this morning. I hope she enjoys it.
I think I'm going to watch it when I get take the edge off the day.
Tonight I'm going to make like a homonymicaly confused vampire and get steaked.
MuppetAngel - Even better than the real thing, and even better on second watch. Just hilarical.
Anyone from Halifax think that the province and city opened for business a day or three too soon? 4 hours round trip to get to work from Dartmouth is craxy. It was just a bad, commerce driven decision.
Also - I heard today that the plows were *off* the streets for 24 hours during the storm. I know that some roads were whited-out, but had certianly they could have made a huge difference covering certain critical parts of the city during the storm - it wasn't white-out conditions downtown, I know that for sure. That had to be a budget decision which has made for a lot of unsafe situations. I was out running errands today, and saw no less than 4 accidents at 'blind' turns in just 30 minutes. That's excessive.
A lot of the flack the city and NS Power took over Hurrican Juan was unfounded, but this time, I think there's a lack of voices when criticism is due.
Rafmun, I don't know about white-out, but when I went walking during the storm (down Brunswick and up Spring Garden) I could see maybe half a block in front of me. I can't blame people for not wanting to drive in it.
In other news: 4 hours? Jesus! I totally support opening essentials like grocery and drug stores, but if that's what it's like...? Yeah. They should really have waited longer.
I had no problem getting to work yesterday, but ended up taking a cab home.
I don't blame the plows for not being out during the storm. I mean, even if they had plowed a street the wind and drifting snow would have made their work for naught.
Angel was tres Puppets That Kill, don't you think?
Brian called the werewolf ripping into Puppet!Angel.
I did enjoy the Spike/Puppet!Angel fight. I imagine that the only way he managed to take Spike down in the elevator was because Spike was debilitated with laughter.
Don't think I like the Fred/Wes. Wes needs someone more stable and evil.