Submit your request in triplicate.
We're practically the only people on the board this morning.
Mecha, is there much snow falling? We've got kind of a freezing slush thing going on here.
Also, Brian woke me up at 4am and I couldn't go back to sleep so we watched a movie, except the movie was
Malibu's Most Wanted. I want my morning back.
Mecha, is there much snow falling?
t false Mecha
Yup, there's been a steady fall all day. It's all lazy big flakes, though the wind is a little harsh.
t /false Mecha
Hello from Montreal! My brother and I are having a lazy afternoon after a busy morning. He's reading the TPB of Fray that I brought as a late Xmas gift for another friend while I'm hanging out here. btw, is the snow Megan's fault, too?
OK, now I'm a little freaked. More than a little, in point of fact. All Megan's fault.
I now have the theme music from the cartoon He-Man stuck in my head. And that is
Megan's fault.
*raises fist in air*
*lightning strikes ring on index finger*
*muscles grow*
I think Megan now has He-Man confused with Hercules. I'm suddenly confused by whose fault that is.
Oh, wait. That's right. It's Megan's fault.
They are close to Bayer's Road Shopping Centre, if that helps you picture it,
The one with the Tim's?
t falls down laughing
Seriously, is it the one across from the Dr.s office I went to?