Right. So, having returned to life, thawed my tongue from the lampost, and unexploded my mother, I once again hold the InterWeb in my hands. It's all under control. Really.
I watched Angel, and actually found it pretty entertaining. Mostly from the whimsical music cues going into the commercials, though the PR video was pure comic gold. Furthermore, I now know generally what's going on, as the reruns have clicked back over to S1, which is pretty cool. I never knew Lindsey was in like, the first ep.
I never knew Lindsey was in like, the first ep.
He's sneaky that way.
Welcome back, Mecha. I have no access at home, due to stupid wrong-sizedness of my computer, but I'm hoping to get that dealt with today. I've still got two weeks of work left, so there's time.
In other news, I feel like crap. I had trouble getting to sleep and then I woke up at 4am and couldn't get to sleep again for a long time. Then I slept in and missed the good buses. Also I feel kind of nauseated and my lunch is leftover liver and onions. I'm not sure I can deal with that. Maybe I'll wait until I'm really really hungry.
We ended up having to straighten the bit where you normally screw in the card and duct-taped it in. Duct tape to the rescue!
Good lord, is there
that sticky miracle can't fix?
Truly, it is the tape of wonders.
No more travelling until the second week of February since the next fair I go to is in the city.
Glad that Ouise and Mecha have fixed their computer problems.
Yay! The gang's all here!
Well, except for Mecha being in Montreal.
And Griff being somewhere...
You people still haven't found me a nice Canadian boy to marry.
t taps toe impatiently
Why can I never remember to take my antibiotic on time? I mean, really, shouldn't I know better?
Maybe you should find a medical professional to help you with that...