Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness
[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!
I checked the Space forums where a moderator usually provides good info, but there was nothing saying why Angel was moved.
Hey Dani, when are you due?
Apparently, Rogers is offering some service that is TiVo-like now. I think you have to have digital cable to get it, but I'm not positive about that. I meant to inquire with them about it before Christmas, but the holidays happens and, y'know.
My friends have the Eastlink version of this. I think you can subscribe to shows, and tape ahead and pause live TV and all, but it doesn't have all the smart finding stuff of TiVo, such as search for an actor.
Yeah, Shaw cable sells something called a "digital video recorder" as well. But you have to subscribe to their digital cable to get it, and like Sue says it doesn't have all the Tivo-y goodness.
Megan, the official date is the 26th, but given that the Blue-Eyed Boy was nearly two weeks "late" I'm not holding my breath.
Tonight's Angel was fun - a lightweight, amusing episode. I like Harmony in small doses. "I'll go to Mexico, or Cancun."
Angel made me miss old Cordelia.
Me too, Megan.
Like Dani, I like Harmony in small doses. And like Cordelia she more fun all bitchy that simpering.
I was kind of disappointed in the episode but that's ok. There's always next week.
Now, on the OC! When will they kill Oliver! he Must DIE!
I agree megan!
I was at Future Shop tonight and I found Firefly DVD's. They're in a Cardborad display with other Fox Sets and not with the other box sets.
I tracked down MechaK last night. You'll be pleased to know that he is neither dead nor frozen to a cold metal pole with his tongue. His monitor exploded; though - due to the vagaries of long-distance telephoning - I initially thought that his mother had exploded and was much more sympathetic.