Thanks for the Goldilocks vibes. :-) I'll try to post after the appointment and let you know what the verdict was.
Of course this cold snap hasn't stopped the neighbourhood teenagers from walking to high school in thin jackets with no mitts, scarves, or hats. That's how I know I've reached old-fogeydom: I'd rather have hat head than frostbite on my ears.
Does anyone else remember the Kids in the Hall mock-PSA with Kevin MacDonald standing frozen at a bus stop and the voiceover talking about how many Canadian teenagers die each winter?
I don't think I've seen it, but your little description made me chuckle.
I don't remember that, either.
But I do remember wearing Cougar boots with the tongue hanging out and never, never wearing a hat (I'd wrap a scarf around my head) because of the lack of cool.
A scarf wrapped around your head is cool? Man, I'm out of touch.
It was in Saskatchewan in the mid 1980s. 'Twas the style at the time. Or, at least, it was better than the other options of wearing a hat or freezing your ears off.
Say, does anyone know when the next Angel is? It's not tonight, is it?
Next Wednesday the 14th for us in the states.
Space should be showing it the next day, but ASN won't air it until the following Monday.
I have 11 days vacation leftover for this fiscal year. I'm going to carry 1 week over to next year so I have 6 days left to take by March 31st. I also have 2 of my modified work week days banked and 40 hours of overtime. Where should I go?