I remember the first time he punched me in the back, I wasn't expecting it. He asked me if it hurt, and I replied - rather testily - 'It feels like I've been punched in the kidneys, if that's what you mean!'.
I'm crying with laughter here, trying to imagine this diagnostic procedure being used on people from my krav classes.
And just as I'm about to be able to stop crying, I imagine you giving him the One True Answer to a kinda stupid question.
Oh! I forgot to mention that we watched Queer Eye For The Straight Guy last night and IWFG!
SO funny.
But the straight guy, Allen, was a moron.
At one point he was making canapes and sweating up a storm from nervousness and he mopped his brow with a tea towel and then used the same towel to polish the serving tray! The queer guys and my husband both reacted instantly and with the same UHHHHHHHHNNN sound of disgust.
Jai is my favourite. Brian remarked that he looks like Pepe from The Simpsons all grown up.
Oh, Elena! Ouch and ugh. I hope that it goes away as soon as possible.
Whoops! Missed the beginning of Objects in Space. Can't not watch an episode of Firefly!
They're baaaaaack.
I went to the ENT today. Polyps have returned, though right now they are very small - but big enough to block my smell receptors. (I've actually been tasting food ok the last 2 days but smell is much reduced.) I'm trying another, stronger nasal powder (Rinocort) and if I don't really improve I may have to try the cortisone injection again.
I'd say I'm surgery bound in another 2-3 years.
Wow, that sucks. I hope that the Rinocort does the trick. Good luck.
I watched OiS last night and I didn't notice that it had been changed from the original broadcast. Wasn't there supposed to be a difference?
I don't remember Early licking the ship, originally...
completely unrelated here, but nobody happens to know how to find the admin page for a dsl switch perchance?
Stop speaking French. And, possibly, go to the Buffista Technology thread and ask there.
Yeah, I loved the ship licking - so completely out of the blue and not explained at all - but why would that need to have been kept out of the original broadcast?
already done. I'm about to start speaking the oldest language there is ... violence. See how I used ellipses there to pause for effect? Huh? Yeah.
As to Mr. Early, I've been involved in a big debate as to how much of his act is just a big mindfuck for the crew and how much is just the man being genuinely weird.
The ship lick was in the original broadcast... I distinctly remember my wife getting squicky over it... I think the only change was in the dialogue between Mal and Inara as River is approaching them on her little walkabout (you can see the original version in the Deleted Scenes in the Special Features).