Hmmm... Might be time for her to be treated more aggressively. She might want to talk to her doctor.
Oh, there's a thought. She she check to see if her doctor has any samples he can let her have.
Or, another thought, if it's really an insuance issue, she can see if her doctor will write her a prescription for a different short-acting bronchodilator, like fenoterol or terbutaline. That should be doable.
Good idea. I'll pass that along - she's gone out to the movies now.
Excellent. Hope things work out for her.
Smell and taste gone again. Going back to ENT next week (I just called and I got in for next Tuesday which I find AMAZING.) Also have prescription for more prednisone (blah) which I'll wait to start taking until after ENT appointment. At least that will get me through Xmas.
Oh Megan, not again! Poor you. On a cheerier topic, I own Nightmare Before Christmas on DVD, if you still want to borrow it.
Thanks Ouise. I think Elena has also offered me hers. I haven't seen it in years.
Btw, I got the job that I interviewed for on Monday.
Oh, Megan! Huge congratulations! When do you start?
Boo to your stupid olfactory bulb.