Simon: I'm trying to put this as delicately as I can... How do I know you won't kill me in my sleep? Mal: You don't know me, son. So let me explain this to you once: If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed.


Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness  

[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!

MikeP - Nov 24, 2003 5:42:20 pm PST #4416 of 6793

Definitely Mecha... And nice to see it in direct relation to the Ariel stuff... -Insert rant at Fox's episode order lunacy here-

Elena - Nov 24, 2003 5:42:24 pm PST #4417 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

You must be freezing your ass off.

Okay, the boys are upstairs, time to go watch the show again!

MikeP - Nov 24, 2003 5:43:05 pm PST #4418 of 6793

-And that the hey... They're Firefly-related lunacy in general-

MikeP - Nov 24, 2003 5:44:08 pm PST #4419 of 6793

Lovely freezing rain here at the moment but not ridiculously cold... Just hella windy...

Frankenbuddha - Nov 24, 2003 6:15:00 pm PST #4420 of 6793
"We are the Goon Squad and we're coming to town...Beep! Beep!" - David Bowie, "Fashion"

Either a very abstract figure akin to a Rorschach (sp?) ink blot or a blob of black grease... Can't be sure which...

Might I suggest skid marks?

Sorry, but I've got to get back at you people getting the shiny new Fireflys somehow.

smonster - Nov 24, 2003 6:35:53 pm PST #4421 of 6793
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Elena, are you still around? if so, can you pop over to bitches for a quick drug question?


nevermind, s'okay.

MikeP - Nov 24, 2003 7:57:13 pm PST #4422 of 6793


First off... Ewwwww?

Second... It's on his right hip... Quite a travel distance for skids... lol...

Megan E. - Nov 25, 2003 12:55:05 am PST #4423 of 6793

My firefly experience was very strange. One minute, Mal was opening a cargo container and out pops Saffron, and the next minute Glory, Buffy and Dawn were on the screen. I guess I had a little hour and a half nap. Good thing I taped it. Stupid drugs!

Megan E. - Nov 25, 2003 4:22:39 am PST #4424 of 6793

Haha... look at today's Get Fuzzy.

JohnSweden - Nov 25, 2003 4:56:46 am PST #4425 of 6793
I can't even.

I really enjoyed Trash (so many meanings ...) Sorry I couldn't watch and post, I have my folks visiting so it was freaky enough to be explaining the show on the fly to them, never mind running back and forth typing to my invisible friends.

Lovely to see Saffron again. My father, ever the delicate soul remarked "My, there's a lot of silicone on this show." He doesn't get out much. I was unspoiled (and remain so for the eps that are left) so it was really an enjoyable ep all round. As folks mentioned above, great dialogue, lots of quotables. I'm looking forward to next week. Having Firefly on Mondays is almost like having Buffy then, a reason to live for Mondays. Weird, but fun.