I taped Angel on Tuesday because we rented and were watching the first two Matrix movies. When we saw Reloaded we were both totally confused since we hadn't see the Matrix since 1999. We were going to see Revolutions last night so we wanted to get caught up on the mythology. It didn't help.
Anyway, I haven't watched Angel yet so I can't say if it's worth taping 100%, but it sure looks interesting enough. Tape it!
Sigh. I shall try to remember. It's hard, though.
If you forget, I'll bring you my tape on saturday.
Great - now the Tribute to Jean Chretien is on instead of ER. There's nothing on but Relic Hunter. Stupid tv!
Crap. I'm getting more and more ticked off at TV guide. It is never right anymore! I'll tape ER at 11 I guess.
I'm around. And, GUESS WHAT?, I forgot to tape Angel. So, yes, I would appreciate it if you would bring me a copy.
ok, I'll tape it again at 10.