Simon: I'm trying to put this as delicately as I can... How do I know you won't kill me in my sleep? Mal: You don't know me, son. So let me explain this to you once: If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed.


Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness  

[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!

Megan E. - Nov 08, 2003 3:28:46 pm PST #4227 of 6793

anyone looking at the moon?

Elena - Nov 08, 2003 3:46:49 pm PST #4228 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

Why? Does it have C-H-A carved in it?

Megan E. - Nov 08, 2003 3:53:31 pm PST #4229 of 6793

We like the moon, because it's close to us.
we like the moon, but not has much as a spoon
cos it is more used for eating soup.

Elena - Nov 08, 2003 4:00:20 pm PST #4230 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

Mmm, moon spoon soup.

Seriously, though, what's up with the moon?

Sue - Nov 08, 2003 4:09:02 pm PST #4231 of 6793
hip deep in pie

There's an eclipse.

Elena - Nov 08, 2003 4:34:14 pm PST #4232 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

Is there?

There was an eclipse the Thursday before I got married. Big, beautiful red moon. Quite spectacular. And we were at my parents' place in Enfield so there wasn't a huge amount of light pollution. Excepting the Big Stop.

Megan E. - Nov 09, 2003 1:12:38 pm PST #4233 of 6793

anyone going to watch the Elizabeth Smart story to see how Halifax measures up to the Utah desert?

Elena - Nov 09, 2003 1:19:59 pm PST #4234 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

Well, I might. If only I didn't have this aversion to exploitation and inaccuracy.

Megan E. - Nov 09, 2003 1:21:10 pm PST #4235 of 6793

I'm taping it and will probably watch with the sound off and fast forward until I recognize stuff.

Elena - Nov 09, 2003 1:22:31 pm PST #4236 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

Interesting strategy.

So, how's the smelling?