and this: Episode names white fonted, other than the episode we will see tonight.
Hey SPACECAST Posters!
As many of you know last week's original episode of Angel (5/05 - "Life of The Party") that was to air on Thursday, October 20th at 9pm EST did NOT air. Instead the second season Angel strip episode aired at 9pm, 11pm and 4am that night.
To fix this problem and make sure our regular Angel viewers don't miss this brand new fifth season episode again, SPACE will air episode 5/05 this Thursday at 9pm EST. This means that SPACE will be a week behind CHUM's New Net Stations for the entire month of November.
At the end of November THE WB (Angel's home US network) will be pre-empting Angel for a movie presentation, so come December SPACE will be back on track and will once again air the same episode of Angel as The New Nets in the same week.
Please note the new program line-up for Angel Thursdays at 9pm EST below:
Thursday November 6, 2003:
9pm EST: Angel (5/05) - "Life of The Party"
Thursday November 13, 2003:
9pm EST: Angel (5/06) - "Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco"
Thursday November 20, 2003:
9pm EST: Angel (5/07) - "Lineage"
Thursday November 27, 2003:
9pm EST: Angel (5/08) - "Destiny"
Thursday December 4, 11, 18 & 25, 2003
9pm EST: Angel (episodes TBA)
Please be aware that depending on what the WB does the above schedule could still be subject to change.
Thanks for your patience folks! Deep Throat
Mark Askwith Producer, Space: The Imagination Station