It was interesting that none of the main characters were in scenes together. In fact, the only characters that had interacted together before were Dawn and Joyce and the trio.
Do you think it's really Spike killing and vamping those people? I'm inclined to think it's a trick by the big bad, but I could be convinced otherwise ...
Ouise, I think it's Spike really vamping people (sorry, sireing) but it's probably because of all of the big bad wackiness.
have called Xander. Wonder where NB was?
It was a scary ep. I warned Betsy about it. I thought that the Joyce stuff would be disturbing.
And Buffy really should have killed the vamp sooner.
Also (shallow) didn't her hair look really dark?
Yeah, those dark roots were really showing.
More than just roots, I thought. Where her hair was braided you could really see a dark underside, like only the top layer of hair was bleached.
"From beneath, her roots devour..."
Ack. I'm all over-excited and having trouble concentrating on work. I got a phone call last night saying that my mortgage pre-approval is done, and I met with a real estate agent last week. Now I'm freaking out.
I haven't even looked at any houses yet, but that is soon to come. Ulp.
Hello Canadians! Hope you all made it OK through the storm.
There's an East-West Canada Smackdowngoing on at the Straight Dope Message Board I thought you might find amusing.