A lease isn't good enough proof of where you live? what more do they want?
Apparently, they want me to be angry and frustrated beyond all hope or sanity.
Do you not have any bills with your name on it Mecha?
Not as such. The salt in that particular wound is that all I have is the letter denying me my rightful pogy. Bastards.
Also, expect a package.
Expect my eternal gratitude.
Also, all-night cashier is a foot in the door. Once you have money, you can get the sugar, and once you have the sugar, you can get the women.
It goes sugar,
, women. See, this is why you don't have any women. As to why
don't have any women, I'm choosing not to speculate at this time.
But I
sugar. And as of Wednesday I have power. It's all beginning to fall into place.
EI denied you? Bastards.
Is that letter good enough? It's government, after all.
Yeah, I actually have a library card now. I tell ya, this town makes nothing easy.
Nothing at all.
How bad is the not so much French hurting you?
Fair to middling. It's coming back to me, just nowhere near as quick as I thought it would. Plus bibliotheque access will allow me to apply some home schooling to the problem.
I also applied for a job they'd be fools not to give me, backshift merchandiser at a supermarket. Full time, heavy lifting, 13 -17 $$ an hour. Haven't heard anything yet, but I only applied Yesterday, so...
Oooh, that's fairly perfect.
How's your back, though?
And, also, I didn't send you inhalers in this package - you still okay with what you have?
The back thing was, methinks, from too much sleeping on the floor. I have a bed now, and things seem much improved. As to inhalers, I might start thinking I have a problem sometime around Easter. It's all good.
I'm home. Tomorrow work and Friday I have off though I may work half the day. Very tired.
Yep, made it through. Didn't cry and was happy to see a lot of members of my family. How have people been surviving here?