Said new DND group, by the by, not even a patch on the fury and wackiness that contolled Monday evenings last year beyond all hope or sanity. Not to mention the lack of food. Bleah. So when did the sky stop falling this time, and why did it start?
Incidentally, for anyone curious, still in Pogie Purgatory, hopefully I'll have $$ tomorrow for a DSL router, and some paint and food and the like. I'm taking a 'Best not bust then.' attitude toward the possibility of EI not happening. Also trying to avoid thinking about how that worked out for Mal and the crew. Hmmm.
thanks to Elena, I am no longer sleeping on the big blue chair and can now watch my first
since it started reruns on Space. YAY!
Huzzah! Even though I understand that not at all.
What don't you understand? That I keep forgetting it's on, or the big blue chair part?
I'm watching Firefly! School be damned!!
The chair, mainly. Damning school, I get.
I'm totally not calm enough to be posting.
I rewound my Firefly tape - so I can keep accurate track of the time used on the tape (we watched a VHS movie the other week and the Firefly tape got ejected after I taped Serenity) - and FUCKFUCKFUCK the fucking tape got fucking rewound and I fucking well taped The Train Job and Bushwhacked over Serenity. FUCKFUCKFUCK. Now, I assume that Space will be rerunning - and what if they fucking don't - and I'll just tape Serenity on its own on a nice SP tape... But, fuck, it's two hours. What if they don't rerun it.
I'm far too angry to be here right now. I have to calm down before I see B.
Oh Elena! That sucks! But you know? I tried to tape Serenity twice the week it aired, both at 10 and 3, and both times it got fucked up. It's like it doesn't want to be captured on video.
ARRRRR. I just hope that they rerun it.
It's not so much for me, because I know that DVDs are coming, but I promised to tape it for Megan because she's not seen it and wouldn't buy the DVDs sight-unseen.
Mind you, I do have a copy of Serenity, but it's third generation. My Space copy was so nice and clean.
Huh. The ether ate my Serenity too. Not to mention my serentiy.