This was actually a change to the Criminal Code, extending the hate crime section to include crimes against homosexuals.
The Charter is much harder to change and resolutions in the House and Senate, and resolutions of 2/3rds of the provinces representing 50% of the population of all provinces.
Section 15 of the charter is the section on equality rights and it reads:
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
Though sexual orientation is not explicitly mentioned, the term "every individual" arguably covers sexual orientation.
On another note, I went back on prednisone today. 3 hours later, I could smell and taste, and my headache finally went away. I know it's a nasty, nasty drug, but today it is my saving grace. Let's see what happens in 2.5 weeks after I'm off it again.
Have any of you ever had acupuncture and/or would you be able to recommend an acupuncturist to me?
ita had someone in Montreal, Megan. Maybe that could head you toward a referral.
I don't have a referral, Megan -- my guy's long gone.
But it worked (on my sinuses) like a charm.
I remember you telling me your success story ita so that's what's pushing me to give it a try now. My supplementary health care plan covers acupuncture but not a visit to a naturopath so I thought I'd try the pinhead route first.
Today I recieved my first ever piece of mail at my current apartment. It was an ominous letter from the EI folks, along the lines of
'We've started processing your claim. A decision will be rendered soon'
Maybe it's just ominous because of it factor's so heavily into the whole being able to buy food and rent and stuff equation. Seemed ominous to me, anyway.
It's that word "rendered". Brings to mind slaughter houses and animal remains.
Exactly. Which brings me back to the food...
Sugarman's Potted Meat Product. You can REALLY taste the meat!