Yeah, now if I could only control the winning lottery numbers, or my bosses to institute the 3-day week.
Thanks, but I've seen season one, and I may just upgrade if they do seasons 2 and 3. (Especially if that upgrade includes HGTV.) I am instant gratification girl.
You should totally watch Six Feet Under, it's goood. It lives up to the hype.
You know, I'm kind of off of television right now. I'm watching Firefly and I'll watch Angel, but other than that there are no shows that I'm following. It makes sense that we have so many channels and such a large tv.
I've been the same way with TV too. There's not much on.
It looks like they're showing only Season One for now on Showcase. Sigh. I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD's of seasons two and three.
Oh, I'm sure they'll show the other seasons eventually. They did with Oz. One of these days I'm going to have to rent the DVDs for Oz and watch it for as long as I can stand to at once. And I'll do it without Mecha, BECAUSE HE MOVED AWAY.
What's that Mecha? Is that French?
What's up, buddy? Haven't been on-line with you in FOREVER, BECAUSE YOU MOVED TO A DIFFERENT CITY!!!
That was my interperetation of the sound of ultimate frustration, as first voiced by Newman.
It is way hot and humid up here. Very uncomfortable. I'm still a lookin' for a job, and I'm a haveta get them to replace that fridge tomorrow because it's failing again. Grr. But mainly, Oz DVD's. sigh.
Poor jobless sticky boy. Stupid fridge. Did you check into the tenancy act?
Ayuh, no bones. Clone High, by the way, is HI-larious. I think Irecall everyone discussing it at a BBQ. I saw the prom episode last night, and am a big JFK fan. Tell Brian I sent my background for Mc Cray's, BTW.
Have you been talking to Katie since? She emailed me that she had a Zombie dream. I'm so proud (snif).