Did you take extra drugs or something today, Megan
I wish. I do have some benadryl with me so if I want to fall asleep at my desk, I'm all set.
You've got Elena and Hub back, btw. I hope you're happy.
I thought I felt a disturbance in the force yesterday. Haven't heard from them yet so they are probably home recovering from their whirlwind Trudy visit. Do you know when Elena had to go back to work?
Not until MONDAY! It's downright slothish of her!
wow! She works hard though so she deserves some extra R&R.
Elllllllena! Where are youuuuuu?
Megan -- my God, how horrible! I'm glad that you're feeling better and know what the (probable) cause was. Eep!
Sue, how did it go yesterday? I was vibing.
My informational interview went fine. Once I got to BIO I stopped being nervous, and it was quite helpful.
It was okay 'Ouise. Not my best interview ever, but fine.
I still can't smell or taste anything (it's been over a week) so I think I'm back where I was before my surgery... 5 months ago. *sigh*
Here I am.
Reminder that I want us all to go see 'Once Upon A Time In Mexico' on Friday the 12th.
Note to self, buy tapes.
10 pm, right?
That page also says it will be repeated at 3AM
And it's going to be the two hour premiere! Yes!