Elena, if you're around here, I hope you made it to NYC with few delays and are having a great time.
Tonight I have spent a lovely evening eating some salmon for dinner (B. hates salmon), watching
and cleaning my bathroom. It's about 30C in my apartment so I've been sitting on my deck watching the fog roll in, which has partially obscured the Maritime Centre. Nothing left to do now but sleep. If I stay up much longer I may eat everything in my refridgerator.
Elena and Brian arrived alive and well and are now sleeping like babies.
Angel episodes are going to be in syndication on Space weeknights at 12am Atlantic, for all you late night people.
Oh, great, I'm never going to get to bed at a reasonable hour.
Megan, banana bread sounds great! I'd be happy to come out to supper. Where were you thinking?
By the way, I wanted to invite you over for supper last night - Nora was making spaghetti Bolognese - but I couldn't find your phone number. Could you email it to me? Or I could get it tonight.
I'm really pleased to hear about Angel syndication. We're missing around four episodes from Season 1. It will be good to get them.
Well, I should really get back to cleaning the apartment. See you tonight!
Speaking of arriving safe and sound... Check and mate. Steve 7, TransCanada highway ... 5. Things got a bit dicey around Cabano, where I got hassled by The Man, hitched through the local late night drag racing strip, and got gnawed to the bone by mosquitos the size of my fist. But 'twas all in fun.
So yeah, Ouise, big forehead smacking D'oh on the phone number in case of trouble while moving. I called Brian on a cabbie's cell on the way out of town and was all 'But, but... ARGGH! Son of a ...' when I realized. Heh. Should be OK though. I don't think I forgot anything.
Anyway, you guys all have fun, F2F here would be quite convenient for me, actually, and if there's zombies, then all the moreso. My Interweb shall still be more of an IntermittantWeb until The Beast That Counts Very Quickly Indeed catches up with me, but I'll try to check in in case Joe needs a message relayed.
Elena and Brian arrived alive and well and are now sleeping like babies.
Waking up crying every 3 hours? Ba-BOMP! HAW!
Glad you arrived safe and sound Mecha. When you say "The Man" do you mean the po-lice? eeep!