Right. Y'know, I'm pretty much done with hitchhiking, I'm thinking. Everybody's too scared nowadays and as a result it always takes too damn long. Of course by 'done with' I mean 'travelling a greater distance than I ever have before' on Thursday, so this is all air out the lock.
To sum up, I've gotten back to the city intact, having survived my family, their animals and the highways of our fair province.
Hey! Anita at work! If Katie's on tonight you should invite her to the Last Breakfast. See you in the morning.
Okay, I shall. Call Brian, will ya? He's thinking of having people over.
When? Tomorrow's all planned up and 'GO!' and stuff. If there's something besides tomorrow I don't know about it. And if there's something I don't know about I want it run down and shot soonest.
Points for quick response time, by the way.
We're voting on the Mayor, by the way.
Ouise, anything I can do to help with the party?
quiet. very, very quiet. getting ready to watch Canadian Idol.
Are you sitting by a rain streaked window while 'All by Myself' plays?
t /Friends trivia