Green Lantern has lame powers. And what's with Green Arrow? He's not the same person as Green Lantern, right? Who's the junkie? Kato? Wait, Kato was the Green Hornet's manservant. Who has a manservant these days?
Anyway, John Sweden is in movies asking opinions on 28 Days Later.
Right. I'm gonna catch a nap before breakfast. See you in the AM.
Well, so much for the fireworks.
I didn't fall asleep until 5 Am last night. Gah. I think It's almost time for a nap!
Yeah, I figured no fireworks.
The banana bread is delicious, by the way. Thank you, Megan.
You're welcome Elena. It's the least I can do since you keep feeding my husband every week.
The boys sure do like their food... Oh, on the 18th Brian will feed you, and Brent will be roaming BC homeless.
What were you doing Sue?
Just not sleeping. This is what I get for trying to go to bed before midnight.
Silly Sue. Go vote in Quotes.