Ouise, that's definitley a stroke my beard in a thoughtful manner kind of deal. When I checked Uhaul, one of the basic sized trucks ran 600-700$, about half of which would be the cost of the mini van I currently plan on renting. Plus I wouldn't have to try to sell off my ratty furniture.
Your friends would have a lot of room, as I don't have
much stuff anyway.
I could probably get a driver in on the scene if they only have one.
I'd help them unload their stuff when they got there too.
Mainly, on this side of the equation, the main thing is that depending on when they were going, I might not actually be there to put my stuff on the truck, as my current plan is to hitch up, leaving on the 21st. Could be a snag.
In short, by all means suggest away, and if it's unfeasible oh well, but if it works out to the benefit of all concerned so much the better.
Mecha, I ran into Ouise tonight and I think that they needed to be in Montreal by the 23rd, which I think fits in very neatly with your plan.
And they are renting a really big truck, so I think that there would be plenty of room.
This could work very well for you, my friend.
The funny thing is, I'll still probably dump a good load of my stuff anyway. I have a lot of holdovers from the hard scrabble days of yore. Served me well, but goods worth carting a third of the way across the country they're not.
Plus, I'm not entirely sanguine about cramming three people into the cab of a uhaul either. Well, in truth I'm not worried about it, except that one of them would be me.
Still, it'll be an efficient way to haul what goods as needs hauling.
Well and truly. The same money and I probably wouldn't have to sell that driving job. It's just that I'm looking forward to the Hitching Adventure.
Okay, I'm sure they could unload without you and you can still have the extraordinarily dangerous fun experience of hitching.
Hm. If you unstrikethrough dangerous, and leave extraordinairily as is, that's pretty accurate.
So what are you having for breakfast?
Hmm.. I'm thinking a skillet. Possibly a Texas skillet. You?
You know, as a student of the Rutger Hauer ouevre, you'd think you'd know that hitch hiking is dangerous and can only lead to flames and quartering.
I never said it wasn't dangerous. I wouldn't call it 'extraordinairily' so. And didn't the guy with his thumb in the air do most of the quartering, and dispense most of the flames? Yeah, I think so.
(Heh. Dispensing flames ... U R 2 DUM 2 BEAT A HAXXOR LIK MEE!!1)