Hmmm. Will I be eligible for EI? I really don't know. I recall something about not being able to get the pogie if you quit, which is basically what I'm doing ....
As to plans: School next year. Find the best job I can, and use it, combined with super cheapie apartment to pay down the old loan this year.
Check into it, because you're relocating you might be eligible. It's worth a phone call or a visit to HSC.
True. That would be a good lessening of imminent pressure dealie.
It's a good fall back, but it usually takes several weeks to kick in.
Which would be all kinds of fine. I have arranged for myself a decent cushion.
A decent cushion that might be used for coming to Halifax for Christmas?
Uh, I really don't want to think about not having work before Xmas.
Oh, you'll have work, see, and that way the cushion can be used for travel.
Hmm. If work is prompt in coming, the cushion will, perhaps ironically, be used to by furniture. Like cushions, if you will.
And by cushions you mean a plane ticket to Halifax?
Where there will be Firefly DVDs, ROTK theatre-going, and much food?