Oh, I must not have finished the email before I sent it. Heh. Monday is breakfast day, and if circumstances dictate a venue offering much in the way of Bacon and Ham, then so be it.
Always with the voting, Riley never said anything worth a damn. Just for you, I'll do it.
Oh, I haven't checked my e-mail - I take it I should.
Yes, if it is to be Monday, it is to be Smitty's. It'll be like old times. Except that it's a holiday, and the buses are running the holiday schedule... You might have to walk to get there for 7.
Plan on walking anyway. s'all good.
Oh, shit, bigger problem - I wonder if Smitty's will be
at 7am... I'll call them tomorrow. But if there's a problem we can always go to the Apple Barrell.
MMMMMmmmmmmm, Steak & Eggs & Ceasar.
So there's a yes vote...
We'll see. Certainly I'm good with either location. I can walk there almost as easily as I can walk to Smitty's. And getting home is a tad easier.
Good night. I'll let you know tomorrow about the breakfast venue.
And Breakfast venue officially let known about.
Excellent. I shall expect you at specified breakfast venue at previously agreed upon time.