'Ouise, if you want to throw a party, that'd be fine, too. Just as long as y'all don't mind our host coming along.
(assuming he doesn't have other plans)
He's not a buffista, but he's a cool guy.
(We know him from a newsgroup for the show Mystery Science Theater 3000)
Y'know what's just swell? Having a place to live for next year. Locked down, an extra room, hardwood floors, and 100$ less per month than I pay now. Hot DAMN!
Sheryl, your host would be more than welcome.
t gross exaggeration
Any fan of MST3K is a friend of mine.
t /gross exaggeration
Hey, congrats on the apartment, Mecha. Sounds great!
t crosses off #237 on list of things to get done in the next 4 weeks. Oh, Yeah.
Too bad it's in Montreal though Mecha. =(
Then again, you can scope stuff out for the F2F!
I don't really see the 'too bad' part overly, I think it'll be fun. As to the F2F, I'll also likely have a spare room, should some ca$h strapped Haligonista require. Everybody wins.
Go Montreal!
t /totally biased
Mecha -- all my martial arts connections there are faded. But you need any comedy recs, those I still seem to have.
Hmmm, plan B it is .... Instead of becoming an ever more menacing engine of death with each passing day, I'll watch people tell jokes. As plans go, I've heard worse.
Too bad Elena's gonna kill ya, Mecha. =(