Not sadly! One of the funniest moments in my life was when Brent and I played trivial pursuit with two other couples. We played in teams and one of the other couples was a little sanctimonious about the fact that they didn't have a TV and only ate the healthiest of foods. For months they had been making fun of B. and I for watching so much TV. Well, we beat the porny pants off of them, getting all the pies before they got 1.
I was a poor winner though and I said "not bad for a couple of tv watching, burger eating couch potatoes."
did you dance? Did you do the dance of 'IN YOUR FACE, HEALTHY-BOY!'?
hey, Brimstone is on Space!
did you dance? Did you do the dance of 'IN YOUR FACE, HEALTHY-BOY!'?
yes with pie! A ritual dance with pie.
Oooh, I enjoyed that show before FOX cancelled it.
(um, the ritual-dance with pie show - though Brimstone was good, too)
Gonna go read my advance reader copy of the new Jonathan Lethem book. Don't forget to send my cutie home!
You girls can natter!
Elena, I am also a trivia queen. We might have to have a throwdown.
We *should*... Go to quoteables and vote!
Having returned from watching the Zombies who aren't, all I have to say is Hello. Damn fine movie. I'm bloody amazed at the music, and the cinematography and the sweet, bloody zombies. Sunnova.
It is excellent, isn't it?
Mecha, we're voting for best Snyder quote in quotables right now.
The current set up is
- "People can be coerced, Summers. I'm no stranger to conspiracy. I saw JFK. I'm a truth seeker. I've got a missing gun and two confused kids on my hands. Pieces of the puzzle. And I'm gonna look at all the pieces carefully and rationally, and I'm gonna keep looking until I know exactly how this is all your fault."
- "Miss Summers. Just the juvenile delinquent I've been looking for."
Skip to the end of the thread and vote for your favourite, then stick around for the next block.