Since we can't watch the Firefly DVDs, I have copied them onto my computer for future viewing (once we get the sound card working). Who wants them next? Can we make plans to pass them along (I'm feeling guilty about hoarding them).
I made a strawberry tart yesterday with pastry cream and uncooked berries. Mmmmm.
who comes sauntering in but Cindy Day (looking even worse than she does on TV) and her boyfriend, The Coach of the Ottawa Senators.
Jacques Martin? He's like 51 years old. We were at the Old Triangle so we wouldn't have been home to get your call.
I don't want the Firefly DVDs.
thought you had left for Ontario this Friday!
Nope! This coming Friday.
Jacques Martin? He's like 51 years old. We were at the Old Triangle so we wouldn't have been home to get your call.
Yep, it was him. She looked even scarier than on TV.
I wonder how she met. Her "how to avoid allergies" weather spot pisses me off. Her advice is "say inside." Thanks for that, thanks ever so much.
Just got back from
Finding Nemo.
It was cute and funny and I laughed and laughed. Plus, air conditioning!
It's damn hot today! Air conditioned movie would have been a good idea.
I had hear they were dating (maybe from Frank) a few months ago. I probably wouldn't have been able to place him otherwise. (Oh, and because of the table of drunken people next to us, calling all their friends to tell them he was here.)
I've never seen anyone famous at the Shoe Shop. =( Must remember to hang out there more often. It so hot that Brent won't even barbeque tonight. He actually asked me to just make a salad....with bacon.
I was just pondering the "What to have for supper without turning on the oven..." question myself. I was pondering going and buying a sub, but I do have lettuce in my fridge. A salad might be a good idea.
I had brunch at 11 and nothing since. I'm starving!
Usually I marinade some chicken breasts to put on the salad but Brent really doesn't want to BBQ - which is strange for him.
I'm actually cooler than yesterday, because I'm not running around, and the Church and the Marquee (our post wedding activity) were really hot. It was all about the sweat last night.
Elvis movie on ASN! ELVIS!!!