I think that the first viewing for me was just getting through it-- I was so invested in being the end that I couldn't really focus. I've watched different parts several times this morning, and it is really coming together fo rme..
Also, Joss stopped lumping Kennedy in with the Scooby Gang and had Buffy tell her with the rest of the SiT's, so that is nice...
fat grandchildren
Yeah, Jenny as the First, used this phrase with Angel.
Something just occurred to me. Many folks expressed a wish that there hadn't been so many SIT's. Their quantity lessened their impact as individual characters. I agreed then, but I'm not so sure now. The ending wouldn't have had nearly the same impact if only four or five people had gotten slayer powers. It was important to Joss' story that there be dozens of girls out there who can now fight the good fight.
I couldn't believe the difference in quality between the last episode and this one. Man. I really liked it.
I was also really impressed with Vi - she looked so fierce! I didn't notice Amanda getting killed - I must ahve been distracted writing down lines for Useless Buffy Spoilers. Something I really noticed because of that was how funny Buffy was in this episode. I can't remember the last time she was being funny.
I loved the original four hall scene. I was ok with the strained quality because it felt like the characters were doing a tribute to their former selves.
t happy sigh
Hey, no-one's mentioned the Grr Argh! guy yet.
What did he do? I didn't see anything, but this was the wildfeed?
Grr Argh guy turned and faced us. Less numb this morning and getting my thoughts together.
It was exactly the same up to "Grr" but then turned to face us for the "Argh" all snarly-faced. We all fell about laughing.
edit: Whee! Cross-post! I hardly ever get to cross post (Hi Laura!)
Hi Ouise! Pleasure cross posting with you this morning.
I was just too numb with the overwhelming finality of it all to be articulate last night. However, I watched again with my coffee and now I am all talky.
Previously – The very first scene was sacrificial Spike and I was sure he going to die. Then I was grateful that Jeff wouldn’t have such a big task this time.
Lovely Jossy dialogue throughout. Explainy. He wears lifts. Jealous vampire crap. The drawing. The whole having my pride thing was just a smoke screen. Canon fodder.
I liked Dawn. I loved Andrew’s total shock at being alive.
Spike being straight up about the Angel kissage was cool. I thought about Joss saying BtVS was a soap opera, but in a soap people are never straight up.
Elena! I thought of you when Buffy called Caleb a taunter.
Buffy looked beautiful. The hair and clothes were lovely.
Giles, bloody brilliant.
Still pissed that they showed White Willow in the promo last week. Bastards.
The fighty new slayers were awesome. And I totally thought Buffy was dead.
Brilliant attempt to give everyone what they want. I love you. No you don’t, but thanks for saying it.
It makes me wish Joss could have written the whole season. Because everyone seemed like themself. Bits of it did seem choreographed (the school), but in a very good cause, so I ain't mad at him.
Giles was Giles. Why couldn't he have been Giles all season?