Yeah? I don't much watch television these days (no - really) and thus have missed out on years of Simpons.
And I didn't actually
taunting. I just suggested that the taunting start. It's a whole different vibe.
And I get to watch the finale in a room full of Haligonistas - beat that, BitBoy.
I'll get to taunt a roomfull of Somervillains? (or Wormtownians, in this case)
Oooh, and Theodosia is going to bring the blanket I made her! Yes, that will be excellent. You'll enjoy knowing where all the oohs and ahhs will be coming, but I'll be experiencing it pure.
I'm jealous of all those attending viewing parties. At least DH caught up with his missed episodes over the weekend so he could watch with me.
Is Megan feeling better?
Have a wonderful time and I'll check back later after
(sobbing now)
the end.
Regretfully, I won't be watching with a room full of Haligonistas. The SO wants to watch it with her Buffy loving friends and I'm wanting to share this moment of completion with her.
But I will be watching Buffy with friends, unspoiled as to the end and a full 25 hours before the US gets it. Happiness is me. Or will be later tonight.
Oh, we'll miss you and Jen, Griff.
And yet, somehow, don't feel much like taunting.
Elena, I know what you mean. I'm too bummed to do the Spikefeed, even.
Dori, that wasn't me. I, personally, will enjoy every last bit of taunt I can wring from this episode. The taunt helps cut the biliousness of the envy I feel toward those going to the F2F.
Sorry, Elena. Damn allergies are acting up again..
t taunt
Ha! Buffy is over for you Atlantic Canadians a whole day sooner than it is for proper sorts of people.
t /taunt