Huh. I guess I just assumed they headed for the school - wasn't that part of why they ousted Buffy, that she wanted to take them back to the vineyard?
Off to rewatch.
OK, Faith says they were going to the arsenal. Which would be where?
Bringer!Andrew says something about farthest edge of town, so that must be it. Thank god, because this was really bugging me.
(And I think Andrew actually had a point about the danger to him in Giles suddenly slashing the throat of the bringer.)
I wasn't entirely clear where Buffy and Faith were in relation to each other either. For a while I thought they were looking at the same thing.
I thought the first was going to try to have sex with Caleb when she was talking about being envious
I totally went to that scary place too.
It kind of goes against the whole "The Slayer gets strength through her friends" theme that's been a fundamental premise of the series.
But it supports the season two thing where she still has herself when everything else is lost.
Angelus: Now that's everything, huh? No weapons... No friends... No hope.
Buffy closes her eyes and steels herself for whatever's coming.
Angelus: Take all that away... and what's left?
He draws the sword back and thrusts it directly at her face. With lightning-fast reflexes she swings up with both arms and catches the blade between the palms of her hands. She opens her eyes and meets his.
Buffy: Me.
I was thinking of that too, Sue, on my way home today.
Chiming in late to say that the Willow/Kennedy sex really disgusted me. And it's not because I hate Willow - it's because I hate Kennedy.
The sex didn't bother me because I believe that this is a sign that Kennedy will DIE!
I'm hoping that Willow was right to worry about losing control. I was kind of baffled by them having sex when the beginning of the episode seemed to be saying; "You are completely right to dislike Kennedy." In fact, I didn't really dislike her until this episode. Grrr.
It hadn't occurred to me until last night that they'd not had sex, really.
Same here, ita. The way they were making out, during Storyteller, I assumed they'd been groiny for awhile.
Doctor has put me off work until the 26th due to some allergy/asthma/other wackiness. Party on the 19th is still on, baring them finding anything serious in the tests I just had done at the hospital.
Eep! Poor you - I hope you're ok when you're at home. Sending good health vibes your way.