Ouise said:
In high school I used to kind of wish that our phone was tapped so that the RCMP would have to listen to hours of physics homework every night.
Dammit. Now I have a Due South plot bunny champing on my brain.
Because you just know Fraser would have felt compelled to help with the homework...
t EG
Darn TV Guide with its new Angel taunts!
Interesting. That means they'll be sending out the feed early again. Yay!
Except now they seem to be rearranging the scenes in the feed...
Dammit. Now I have a Due South plot bunny champing on my brain.
Ooh, ooh! Do it! I've always wanted to be an inspiration/evil influence.
So I'm guessing that TV Guide is made up of filthy liars. I went to bed before Angel came on, so I couldn't check.
Hey, Elena, are you working tonight?
Sue, I'm at work right now.
When is the new Angel (the one the US got on Wednesday) playing here? And when is the next new one?
I'm working all day on the 19th, so youse guys will have to watch for me.
The Angel that was on Wednesday will be on Tuesday.
You know, I think because of this week behind thing, we're going to have the Angel and Buffy finales on the same night.
I think because of this week behind thing, we're going to have the Angel and Buffy finales on the same night.
All the more reason to PARTY! Thank you Queen Victoria for giving us the day off!
Wait a minute. Maybe she's the Powers that Be? Hmmmm....
Elena, let me know if you are downtown again this weekend. I have a little pressie for you I want to drop off.