I'm still trying to work up the nerve to write to the government to say I'm in favour of same-sex marriage
They might to be as unreceptive as you think since Nova Scotia (the no sunday shopping province) recently expanded it's definition of common-law partner to include same sex relationships, and granted the same rights as for heterosexual partners. Nova Scotia was actually the first province to do this.
Nova Scotia became the first province in Canada to create legislation recognizing same-sex relationships. For $15 a couple can "register a domestic partnership" at the Office of Vital Statistics. This will give them a number of rights under about 20 matrimonial laws which cover everything from pensions and wills to medical decisions, ownership of joint property, the right to request alimony, and child support. It does not give them the right to adopt children. Also, the province will not recognize union ceremonies performed in church. Couples will have to register with the government directly. Of course, nothing would prevent them from registering with the Office of Vital Statistics and then attending a commitment or union ceremony at a Unitarian Universalist, Jewish Reform or other religious institution.
I did know about NS being the first (Quebec has done it too, hasn't it?) but it's just a step on the way. I don't particularly expect to make a difference, I just think that people in favour whould be writing the government (although they're already challenging the case again) since the anti- ones are bound to.
You know there's something deeply weird with our province when they throw pot possession cases out of court, and welcome same sex partnerships (both good things!), but I still can't buy shoes on Sunday.
Since we're likely going to have an election this year, maybe you should write to all three parties and ask them for their positions same sex marriage.
I was actually planning on writing the federal government because of the Supreme Court case they're arguing.
Hey, Sue, did you see that Hamm's reconsidering the Sunday shopping thing? I saw a newspaper headline the other day saying that Hamm realized that they had misread public sentiment on Sunday shopping and would be putting forward a new proposal.
I really just don't understand people who are against same-sex marriage. I've yet to hear a convincing argument against it.
"It makes baby Jesus cry" doesn't do it for you, huh?
Oh, well, if you put it that way... If god had wanted gay people to be married he'd have created Adam and Steve instead of Adam and Eve. But, then, they weren't married either.
did you see that Hamm's reconsidering the Sunday shopping thing?
But only for during the Christmas shopping season. He did say he'd like to hold a referendum on the matter.
I figure the Sunday shopping thing is just election posturing.
Don't all the arguments against same-sex unions fundamentally boil down to what Jon said. I mean, there's no real argument that doesn't have a religious root. Right?
I'm with Elena. I'm baffled by the opposition. I guess I'm in the "gov't has no business in the bedrooms of the nation" camp.