Yeah. I put that down to her being angry enough to get in touch with her inner hypocrite.
Heh. 'Ouise stumbled out of bed to claim that the last Hallowe'en episode was foreshadowing. She predicts that next Anya is going to die so that she can be a real angel.
Is 'Ouise still sick? Tell her to get better!!! ('cause that'll work.)
Yeah, she's still feeling yucky. I'll pass the message along.
The Liberals are kicking PQ ass, but right now, Charest is only winning his own riding by 27 votes. This could get interesting.
Eh, Charest will just bump a loyal MP and take a safe riding in a byelection.
Oh, I didn't realise that Ouise was that ill.
(Also, shit. She's right. Xander is now a pirate (Arr), Anya would be an Angel, what were the other costumes?)
Hmmm, Giles was a wizard and Dawn wouldn't wear a costume. I don't remember Buffy or Willow in a costume either.
So Willow and Dawn will cease to exist! Coolness.
The “I’m nothing like Angel” stuff fell flat for me.
Really? That cracked my shit up.
Loved the episode. Loved it.
"We've got completely different colouring!"
It fell flat as in the old joke category. Really a teeeneee tiny nit pik because I am filled with love for the episode. I am looking forward to seeing it with captions to catch all the clever lines. Glitter. Snerk.