Did you read what Stephen Harper told US tv?
Stephen Harper is a right wing blowhard. He's just trying to kiss some Bush ass to appeal to the views of his electorate - the Stockwell Day's of the world. Calling Alexa is a good idea though. I'm going to go find out more and drop her an email.
EDIT: Ok, I emailed her at her constituency and parlimentary offices. Let's hope she's not to "lame duck" to speak out.
Aw, that Stephen Harper. Make you wish for the halcyon days of Preston Manning, doesn't he?
Make you wish for the halcyon days of Preston Manning, doesn't he?
My mother was right. The devil you know is better than the devil you don't.
Grrr indeed. He apparently is using some special definition of "most Canadians". Perhaps he has decided that only Alliance supporters count as Canadians. Jerk.
I was just reading about it in the Globe and Mail, and apparently he said those comments on FoxNews, which is hardly a trusted news source.
Oh my god, Elena, have you seen these? What will mecha say when he see the Jimmy Buffet Cthulu?
Parrott Head Cthulhu is just wrong. So very very wrong.
Parrott Head Cthulhu is just wrong.
True. But Goth Cthulhu? Inspired.
Someone (not anyone here) is getting one of those for their birthday.