Good morning!
Ouise, did you tape Farscape on Friday? I forgot because I was out...
Yes, we've got it, and I'm sure you could borrow it. (Nora, Keeper of the Tapes, is still asleep, but she has never objected before.) Did you want to get it today? Remember, I'm in the phone book if computer contact doesn't seem to be working.
Nora had general anesthesia for her retinal surgery, and she was just groggy. We visited her in her hospital room afterwards, and she kept drifting in and out of sleep. Because she'd had eye surgery, she had to keep her eyes shut (and stay laying on one side), but there was a handy way to tell if she was awake or not. When she was asleep, she nodded with her breathing. Teeny tiny little nods. It was endearing.
I know. Isn't it awful? I was all hopeful about spring.
t sobs heart-brokenly
And at 7 am it was
out. I walked to Bayer's Road to catch my bus and it was lovely.
That's right. Rub salt into the wound. Hmph!
This snow sucks! And Guess what day I decided to stop wearing my winter boots? TODAY!
Did you want to get it today?
I guess not. Sorry, I took a nap to get away from the "all war, all the time" coverage on CNN. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it later (before Thursday) so don't worry about it. Thanks though!
I guess not. Sorry, I took a nap to get away from the "all war, all the time" coverage on CNN.
Careful, you might miss the halftime show.
Half-time show? Is that when the Freedom Foreign Legion comes on to the battlefield?
Last night B. and I went out for dinner down on Hollis Street. We were the only people in the restaurant. It was a really pretty walk down from our apartment and on the way back we threw snowballs at various and sundry signs and light posts. It was a beautiful night, nice and warm, and the snow was perfect for making snowballs. Fun!
Then we stayed up until forever watching the Oscars. YAY Adrien Brody!!