Mal: You are very much lacking in imagination. Zoe: I imagine that's so, sir.

'Out Of Gas'

Atlantic Canadian Monday Madness  

[NAFDA] We used to get Buffy the day before everyone else, now we get Angel a week after everyone else. And Firefly every Monday!

Sue - Sep 30, 2002 9:30:51 pm PDT #168 of 6793
hip deep in pie

It's late and I just logged on to say that that was some fucked up shit.

the villian ghost guy is played by the John Mann lead singer of Spirit of the West!

It's not all that surprising to me. The two lead guys of SotW went to the same theatre school that I did. And one of their wives was teaching there for a while.

I enjoyed the episode, although I was kind of disappointed that it didn't have Halfrek exposed as Cecily, which I was expecting from the title. Sigh.

I liked that because that's what everyone is expecting from the ep. And it still worked on several levels.

Good lord, could there have been more HoYay! in that scene?

Only if Spike took Xander right there on the pool table.

was I the only one shouting 'RUN, Lola, RUN!'?

No, you weren't.

Oh, and I couldn't get that link to work.

Elena - Sep 30, 2002 9:34:48 pm PDT #169 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

I know. That link is fucked up for some reason. It worked earlier. I'll sort it out in the morning.

Elena - Sep 30, 2002 9:37:47 pm PDT #170 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

It's working again! Click! click!!

Sue - Sep 30, 2002 9:46:07 pm PDT #171 of 6793
hip deep in pie

I'll look tomorrow at work because my modem's too slow at home. I really have to get more that six hours of sleep tonight. Which will happen if I go to be right now. Good night!

Elena - Sep 30, 2002 9:48:10 pm PDT #172 of 6793
Thanks for all the fish.

Sleep well.

Megan E. - Oct 01, 2002 4:03:47 am PDT #173 of 6793

was I the only one shouting 'RUN, Lola, RUN!'?

Nope, I was thinking that too. Then I thought of Alias since Jennifer Garner wears wigs like that too.

The two lead guys of SotW went to the same theatre school that I did. And one of their wives was teaching there for a while.

It doesn't surprise me that he's an actor, it surprises me that he is the creepy ghost guy who has been in all the promos for the show. He looks so different and creepy in the commercials. He doesn't look like the "home for a rest" singer. On the UPN site is says that he went to Studio 58 so I knew that he was an actor.

Megan E. - Oct 01, 2002 4:14:23 am PDT #174 of 6793

Great pictures Elena! I think all that Candy made us a bit silly. Silly in a good way.

Megan E. - Oct 01, 2002 5:41:27 am PDT #175 of 6793

We didn't really say much about the episode did we. I'll have to watch it again to see if I liked it or found it too messed up. I wish I could understand what Spike is saying. The AR isn't a big issue with me (ita spoke for me in Buffy 1) so the flashback didn't bother me much.

I think D'Hoffrain will be mightily pissed that Anya reversed the spell on wormy guy.

Ouise - Oct 01, 2002 9:02:19 am PDT #176 of 6793
Socks are a running theme throughout the series. They are used as symbols of freedom, redemption and love.

Megan yes, I think that's going to be the next problem to come up.

I fourth catching the "Run Lola Run" reference. In fact, that and the look between Xander and Spike were the two things we said to "look out for" in our Useless Buffy Spoilers, which are extra useless for you guys, since we've all seen it. Still, it's a collection of our favourite lines from the episode that don't give away what's happening. t /shill

I liked the effect of having a third party there for the big meeting-again scenes. And I was really impressed with MT's delivery of the threat. Go her!

Megan E. - Oct 01, 2002 9:28:27 am PDT #177 of 6793

did you watch Haunted, Ouise? I taped it but probably won't watch it for a few days.