Well, everything gets blamed on Clio these days.
In the past week she's knocked over a plant, and hauled down my sari from over my bed. There was a poo incident last week too, but it was just outside the litter, so I think that was just an accident. This was just a random turd, but it was far away form the litter box, so I think someone must have had it hanging from their butt. It's a good thing she's freakin' adorable 80% of the time, because she's going through some destructive phase right now.
Right now she's sitting beside me, with her butt on the desk and her front paws on the computer, staring at the screen. She likes to watch the curor move.
Can you really tell which cat the poo comes from?
She's getting bigger, so it's getting harder to tell. She also eats like a horse!
So the hay should be a dead giveaway.
My cats (don't know which one) managed to knock over the miniature rose bush Brian gave me for Valentine's.. Since I'm killing it anway, as is my habit, I couldn't get
Yesterday, just a couple of days after knocking a plant off the top shelf, I discovered Clio back on that shelf, and sitting on my Rosemary plant. The plant is now positioned at a 45 degree angle from being flattened.
I just looked outside, saw the ice on the trees and how they're blowing in the wind, and decided to locate my flashlight. Just in case.
You made me look out of my window, and the wind isn't blowing at all.
It's not a huge wind, but the trees are definitely swaying.
Okay, I don't know where the hell Brian is, but I've got to get started on stuff. Talk you guys later.
Wow, it's very icy out there, isn't it. I'm not sure if the rain is still freezing or not. I hope the power doesn't go out.
It's raining here, but otherwise okay.. Of course, I haven't actually gone
and the weather might be worse there.