Day off was nice, especially after working 8 days in a row, and only having one day off before that. I went to see Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (not that great), had my hair cut and coloured but she only charged me for the colour (brown), and went grocery shopping.
Today, back at work, we decide the fate of our involvement in the next job fair. Aieee!
Uber boss wants us to go so we're leaving it up to Penultimate boss.
I'm glad you had a good day off, Megan. We'll have to meet up sometime soon so we can see your new hair!
Considering I worked the equivalent of an extra week during these fairs, I'm very happy to have had yesterday off.
Just wanted to drop by and say hi & thanks to the gang for the lovely dinner Saturday night. I'm sorry to have missed Elena and Megan, but hopefully we'll have more chances to meet up again. I've just come home, exhausted but reasonably content. The talks went well, although I think I may have somewhat spoiled my chances by saying to the division head, "Aww, man! Do I really have to do research?" (only in a less Bill & Ted kind of way.) Bah.
I liked what I've seen of Halifax lots. Although the whole no Sunday shopping thing? You people are the wack.
t g
Thanks again!
Did anyone see last night's Angel?
Do I have to go to Spoilers for that?
It was So exciting!
Afraid we don't get Angel until Thursday, Daisy.
If you guys want me to make edits to the thread slug and description so that someone less polite than Daisy is less likely to make a spoilery mistake, just tell me how you want the text to read.
Since the slug says 'If you get Buffy on Monday you can discuss it here' I think it's clear enough. Besides, I don't much care if I get spoiled for Angel. Other mileages might vary.