Just downloaded a map for the Palm. Looks like it's right over by the VG, which I've been to enough times that finding it isn't a problem.
Might have to do the bus since it will be 5 pm on a Friday. Is there a bus that comes closer than the stop at Spring Garden and S. Park?
The 17 goes right down South Park. The restaurant is in Park Victoria, which is directly across from the VG.
It would be, I think, the second stop once the 17 turns down South Park (the first stop being right on the corner of Sp Gdn and S Park)
Taking a break to eat my lunch. you know how much time it takes to set up interviews for 80+ people with 11+ groups of interviewers? 5 hours!
t Comforts Megan
Thanks for the bus info. We (both) plan on making it one way or another.
Hey megan, I have a olive over here that need's eating --if you get this in the next ten minutes.
So Megan gets your olives and I get your cherries? Fair enough.
And my mom gets my pickles when she's around.
I like to share.
Do you still have the olive?