I'm reserving my filk until after the ep.
I do have some ideas, though...
By the way, my screencaps from the appearences of AH and DB on Craig Kilborn are up. Check Sunnydale Press for the link.
or find that link and screencaps from the next to last Angel at:
My first ep was the first-season Halloween ep. It was instant, intense, no-turning-back love.
Are Deb and I the only ones who think "Beer Bad" isn't so bad?
Nope. Cave!Slayer rocks hardcore. They shoulda done a Cave!Slayer story arc. Also, clubbings galore! And "How gullible do you think I am?" I heart Perceptive!Willow...
Are Deb and I the only ones who think "Beer Bad" isn't so bad
No. I like it. I love Willow in that ep. The way she strings Parker along and then just laughs in his face. Priceless.
I like Beer Bad. It always makes me giggle madly.
Welcome to the Hellmouth is on FX right now and I'm getting all teary eyed watching it. Buffy is so young! and so jaded but youthful and not in the grounded down way she is now. I bet I should be in Previously with this.
Welcome to the Hellmouth was the first episode I watched, I don't know how I found out about the show, but I remember watching it in the crappy house I was living in at the time, tryign my best to follow the schedule as WGN moved it to hell and back for basketball re-emptions. I'd tell people "This show kicks ass! It's on at such and such time." And then it wouldn't be on because it was pre empted.
I read somewhere that a lot of people didn't realize that Angel was a vampire, that it was a big surprise at some point--maybe when he revealed it to Buffy (?) but I figured it out by the end of Welcome to the Hellmouth.
I stopped watching Buffy because of moves and then I started watching again, seriously, because I found Table Talk. I didn't have cable at the time so I didn't get WB, but I found the Buffy threads on Table Talk and kept reading them and goddamnit! I wanted Buffy and Angel! I heard the radio spot for Fool For Love and Darla and called up the cable company and then howled in frustration because I couldn't get hooked up until after they were over.
Then later, ita was wonderful and tape fairyed me copies of the episodes so I could see them.
Another one in the like "beer bad" camp. Then again I have a high tolerance for anvils - thoujgh not high enough for "Wrecked".
Word, Typo.
I will not say bad things about Marti Noxon I will not say bad things about Marti Noxon
Oooh. Hate Beer Bad. In fact, I used not to hate it, and then I watched it again, and Willow's speech to Parker didn't even have the bite I'd nostalgiaed.
Beer Bad was on last night. I switched back over to Lifetime's Intimate Portrait of Judy Judy.