I loved that show when it was on, but when I saw the DVDs in Best Buy the other day the thought of rewatching all the episodes just didn't appeal to me
I bought S1 last fall, but haven't watched past the pilot. i suspect i'd enjoy it, but watching feels like work.
Is there a Lego-like Dru?
If there is, you could re-create the scene in Becoming where Dru kills Kendra!
And the one where Buffy sends Angel to hell!
Collect the whole set.
And this one... this I need. Halloween figures.
Betsy, are they in scale with the Lego-people?
They aren't actually Lego-sized. They're "Palisades PALZ". I just did a head-to-head comparison, and they're about twice as tall as a Lego person.
Hmmm, so Lego-folks wouldn't make good minions. . . unless the PALZ guys were giant monsters in a land of teeny tiny people.
My shirtless Angel arrived!
Why does it have a six pack? Angel never did...