Except I knew that Spike died. Or it was put to me that he died 'sort of'.
I don't get what that means. Anyone want to explain it to me?
Watch Season Five of Angel; it picks up soon after the Buffy Series Finale.
'Never Leave Me'
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Except I knew that Spike died. Or it was put to me that he died 'sort of'.
I don't get what that means. Anyone want to explain it to me?
Watch Season Five of Angel; it picks up soon after the Buffy Series Finale.
I'm okay if she wears a leather jacket and glasses.
And gets all the ladies.
I was ambidextrous. I used to be able to write two different things on the chalkboard at once, and also to draw mirrored images.
Then in first or second grade they decided I had to pick a hand or I would get "mixed up." Really? it was to make their lives easier, and because we only usually had one or two lefty items.
I have a stammer that I have pushed past over the years. it was part of the reason I seemed so shy for a long time. It resurfaces under certein conditions, especially when I'm unsure. I'm not sure it's because of the forcing a singlehandedness, though.
I write and use scissors and do most other hand-related stuff right-handed, but I do gymnastics and a lot of other full-body things left-handed. (The only exception is softball, but I'm guessing that's because I was specifically taught how to do all that stuff. I've tried throwing left-handed, and I can do it OK.) My mom's said that I was pretty strongly right-handed since I was a baby, though, so I don't think it's from being forced to switch handedness. I also stutter, and I have no idea if that's related to anything.
Oh, I had forgotten, but I did cartwheels and so forth left handed, also. And I sweep lefthanded. Lefthandedly? But I am very right handed other than those particular actions.
I'm one of those people who are perpetually mixed up with handedness. I'm not sure how much because of inclination and how much from early training. I consider myself predominantly right-handed, but I do a number of things left-handed, including tieing my shoelaces. I thought I did it right-handed, but a number of righties have told me I do it left-handed. I told my mother that once, because she was a leftie and the one to teach me to tie my shoeslaces, but she claims she worked very hard to teach me to do it like a rightie. I think her attempt failed dismally. And, what really messes me up, is I have a tendency to want to kick left-footed and, when I bowl or dive from a diving board, I have to consciously remind myself which foot to start out on or I screw it all up. I've been known to stop abruptly on the bowling lane to turn around and start over.
Ben is a rightie who eats left handed, because when I fed him, and started teaching him to spoon feed himself, I gave him the spoon in his left hand, not thinking. I tried to encourage him to eat with his right hand, but then decided to leave the poor kid alone. He sweats too many things, already.
Scott is a lefty, but plays sports like a righty. I can't remember if I mentioned upstream that his dad was "broken" of his left handedness in school, and is one of those people who developed a stutter.
I never heard of the connection between stuttering and thwarted left-handedness. It makes me wonder now if my father started out as a leftie. His mother was definitely one of those people who would have seen left-handedness as "bad" and tried to "cure" my father. As it was, they also had to cure him of the stutter. Amazingly, they did. I may have to ask him someday if that was so.
I never heard of the connection between stuttering and thwarted left-handedness.
I've heard more about reading problems (dyslexia). OTOH, when you play with the brain, you never know what changes you'll make.
As Miracleman no doubt knows from his work with zombies.
the connection between stuttering and thwarted left-handedness.
This was mu-mu-me.
In second grade, a teacher tied me up and forced me to use my right hand, saying something about ab-nor-MAL-ity and saving me from suffering later in life.
My father (also a leftie) threatened to burn down the school.
I was untied.
And now, after learning some interesting breathing exercises, I only stammer under extreme duress.
Still dyslexic.
But, hey! I can bat both handed. And use all variety of scissors. Bonus.