Also late to the show. Actually, got here via Firefly. Started watching Buff mid-season, and DW convinced me to get the Season 1 DVD. Subsequently, became seriously hooked. Been obsessively watching all available DVDs and the FX reruns.
FX is showing Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest, evidently in honor of the series ending (sob). I'm all sad now.
Whine. I am going to MISS my show, DAMNIT. At this moment it is not helpful to think: Better to go out on a strong note than to last too long, etc. I think the world is going to be a weird place when Tuesday is not Buffy night.
Awww...gloomcookie, that made me very sympathetic to Dawn...I always loved MT, but I thought Dawn was often shafted on her possibilities. Awww...
Well - there's two more hours now. I've never done a post and watch. The pc is not near the tv. So I'm sorry I won't get to, but dh and I will be upholding our own little tradition, I guess.
Enjoy, everyone.
I think Dawn's best moment is a toss up between her reaction to Joyce's death (waaaaahhh! Sorry--seeing her collapse in the hallway just made me crumple up sobbing into my Kleenex) and "Is this blood?"
Yeah, I rewatched The Body the other night and thought it such a shame that IMO they wasted the character after Season 5. That girl can act!
Favorite Dawnie moments for me are the day of "The Body" before she finds out Joyce dies. "My sister could beat the crap out of her. Really."
Are Deb and I the only ones who think "Beer Bad" isn't so bad? Hey, Id-Boy gets clocked twice, "foamy" and "don't make cave slayer unhappy".
DB talked hockey on Kilbourne? Cool, even if he's a Flyer fan.
This is the first time I haven't skippy skipped to the end since the new board. I just read the past 4 days' worth of posts. And now I'm speechless. Just posting to announce that I am being a big baby and all sad and teary and y'all are probably the only ones who won't poke fun at me for that.
OK have a good/unbearable Buffy night! Fuckos.