while Buffy may be The Beatles of pop tv, and 'Once More with Feeling' may be its 'Sgt Pepper' - the consequence of this is that 'Charmed' is the Monkees.
And the best point is that everyone then starts yelling "except the Monkees are better than the Beatles!".
Yeah, that inclines me to trust in the insightful nature of the commentary, all right...
Having recently re-watched "The Real Me" I find this picture of Mercedes McNab particularly amusing.
Random: The Chosen talk above made me think of the best unscene ever - and I can't remember who came up with it - of Oz pulling up in his van, getting out and looking into the pit with a "Huh." I love that part.. it plays in my head. I'll probably be expecting it on the DVD.
I love that scene too. It's almost as if I actually saw it.
I was relating that to friends who are new to Buffy (I KNOW!) recently. They loved it. Do you think I could find it on the internets? Fortunately, it isn't the most difficult scene to recreate. I believe I did it justice.
Thank you, Nilly. My memory is so shot. I will remember to give due credit to Pete/Frank/Hec in future for the perfect coda.
The quote below is from a review of the Season 7 dvds, does he mean a scene in the "previouslies"? Or an actual scene from the show as aired?
As a final note, for some unexplained reason, Fox has decided to not include the "previously on Buffy The Vampire Slayer" intros to each episode. Normally this would not be a major bone of contention, except that by omitting them a potentially key scene involving Faith is also removed. Shame on you, Fox.
I'm assuming a scene in previouslies, but I'm not sure. Did we get any scenes of Faith on Angel in the Buffy7 previouslies? That would be my guess as to what would be missing.