She said best episode
That was the one step too far.
Watched lots of season 6 today. Last one was "As You Were". Still hate Riley and Sam. Still think that Spike wasn't "the Doctor" -- but I've come up with a reason why he might have had the eggs.
All season they'd had that thing where he is in debt to the Demon Loan Shark. I'm imagining the Loan Shark doing a deal where he holds the eggs as partial payment on his debt. (Not that the Loan Shark was the Doctor - -just that the Doctor may have called in a favor from the Loan Shark or something.)
I may have been thinking about this TOO much.
I may have been thinking about this TOO much.
I've handwaved the whole thing away. Just don't care anymore. La, la, la--hey! Look! Buffy's got a cow on her hat!
Watched WML parts I & II, Surpise, and Innocence today.
Oz was SO cool.
She said best episode ever.
Darn tootin.' Any ep. that gives us Xander in a Speedo. Wet. Is the best episode ever.
Personally, I'll pick Angel falling from the ceiling, wet, in NOTHING over that anyday. Also, actual storyline introducing Faith kicks Swim Team from the Black Lagoon to the curb without scuffing its Doc Martens while doing so.
I'm with Matt on this one.
I'll pick Angel falling from the ceiling, wet, in NOTHING over that anyday.
This was a special episode, too. But I already knew that Angel was a H*ttie. (I alsoliked that it lead to The Search for Angel's Ring.) But the Xander H*ttieness was a bit of a surprise.
I think NB is hotter with facial hair...not sure why it makes a difference.
I don't think Angel was wet when he fell from the ceiling, and there was only the rear view (not that I'm dismissing that view). Also, what Narrator said. She might be completely delusional you know the drill when it comes to the BBS, but she's preaching gospel when it comes to
Xander. In a Speedo. Wet.
I'd say more sweaty than wet. But a nice pic, however you define it.