Sumi, I ordered Famous Flowers of Serving Men the day Amazon put it on thier preorder list. Suddenly I heard that other people were getting thier copies and mine still hadn't shipped. I raised a ruckus and suddenly I got free two day shipping, then the next day it shipped.
You could probably sit there and it would ship, but expressing displeasure might make them change thier policy. It seems to be ship the recent orders before the older ones. I agree, not fair.
Who did you raise a ruckus to? Or at?
Well, I found a place to email a complaint so I did. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I have DVDs! The very last ones at the store! And the girl had to look in the backroom for it. And when she brought it out I said "Yay!" and clapped my hands. It was good.
Amazon emailed me back saying that it was "system error" and that they would upgrade my shipping from super saver to standard domestic at no cost to myself.
It sounds as though, when you have a situation like this, the thing to do is complain.
sumi - i did that with S6 and it worked fo rme too
There, you got it solved. Bet they are wondering why so many people are on their asses over this type of thing.
BTW, I just came home from eyeing goodies at Costco. Buffy, season 7 and Angel, season 5 are both there. 39.98 for each, I believe. Mine are not on my doorstep yet.
I got Buffy for $35, and Elf for $15. I was psyched.