My twelve year old cousin has been staying with us while she's on half-term, and has apparently started watching Buffy recently as Sky One is showing reruns every day. Part of our conversation went thus
Jars - So who's your favourite character?
Cousin - I like Spike. I think he's really good looking. Buffy should be nicer to him.
Jars - What about Angel though?
Cousin - Who's Angel?
Jars - *feels
Hec hit it. The SMG photo shoot is an
tribute to Gil Elvgren. Here are a bunch of the originals: [link]
Have you seen some of the pics of AH?
Those pics of Aly with the mod clothes and the black mod wig are a direct tribute to Rudi Gernreich and his favorite model Peggy Moffitt.
Has anyone else noticed the "sims" buffy in Jon Stewart's new book?
I think Charisma leaves everyone else from both shows in the dust when it comes to showing skin, though.
Man oh man, "Restless" gets better every time I see it. This time I really noticed the score: it's fantastic. Not as in-your-face as the "Hush" score (for very good reason), but so perfect for the episode.
Page 110-111.
Bwaaahaha! I can't believe I missed that! She's really prominent in the page.