Yup. Just like I get defensive about Mal and Zoe. Let something just be a great Platonic (not just platonic) friendship.
I'm all for this, but it was impossible for me not to map Wash/Zoe as Xander/Buffy.
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Yup. Just like I get defensive about Mal and Zoe. Let something just be a great Platonic (not just platonic) friendship.
I'm all for this, but it was impossible for me not to map Wash/Zoe as Xander/Buffy.
Me too, Hec.
Wrod, ita, Mal and Zoe shouldn't do it cause they're *partners*, not, you know, partners. You should endeavor never to do your partner, even though in Homicide fandom some people take the affectionate term "bunky" way, way, too literally, imo.
I think enough of the shinyness rubbed off Buffy for me that I never really associated her with Zoe.
Huh. I never thought of them that way -- we know so little of their history, and what little we do know is that Zoe disliked him on sight; something about him just made her hackles rise. I always kind of imagined him doing some Xanderlike pushing and nudging early on, but with a lot more grown-upness and confidence behind it, possibly startling Zoe into a yes against her better judgment, which at length turned into her better judgment eventually coming around and concurring with the rest of her.
Buffy, in contrast, liked Xander right away, felt at ease and friendly and affectionate and sisterly and confiding, and everything that was good, except not romantic. There was no dislike or mistrust for her to get over, just a total absence of romantic feeling. Different dynamic, different history; for me, B/X and Z/W never pinged as remotely similar.
I like the friends-becoming-lovers plot, as long as it's clear that it's about both characters growing to love each other, and not, as Plei says, poontang as the reward for being a good guy. Buffy/Xander or Angel/Cordy both would have worked for me in theory; my problem with A/C in praciice was just that they killed Cordy's character to get there.
Angel/Cordy both would have worked for me in theory; my problem with A/C in praciice was just that they killed Cordy's character to get there.
Even if they'd managed to avoid that, it never made a lick of sense in theory to me because of the curse.
I like the friends-becoming-lovers plot, as long as it's clear that it's about both characters growing to love each other, and not, as Plei says, poontang as the reward for being a good guy.
Thanks for saying something, Lyra, cause I was wondering whether people didn't believe friends-becoming-lovers actually happened in a positive way.
Angel/Cordy both would have worked for me in theory; my problem with A/C in praciice was just that they killed Cordy's character to get there.
Even if they'd managed to avoid that, it never made a lick of sense in theory to me because of the curse.
I felt like Lyra about A/C, with the proviso that I would have demanded satisfaction, re not only the curse itself, but that Cordy could accept that she didn't set off the desouling clause, where Buffy had. *That* was my big thing.
I think maybe, if Buffy had been happy with someone, or if Angel had been aware of B/S at the time, such that he *couldn't* love and respect Buffy any more, I might have been part way there. The A/C execution was a misfire, though.
I was wondering whether people didn't believe friends-becoming-lovers actually happened in a positive way.
My problem with it is that friends-becoming-lovers happens all the time on TV! Positive or not has nothing to do with it. Friends-not-becoming-lovers happens so rarely on TV that I feel cheated when they take that type of relationship away.